Planting Time: Autumn March-May.
Aspect: Full sun or part shade.
Soil: Well drained - but are very adaptable. Will tolerate moist areas but not boggy soils. Enrich with organic matter.
Depth & Spacing: Plant pointy end up 10-15cm deep and 10-15cm apart in groups for best effect.
Fertilizer: Complete Garden fertiliser and blood and bone.
Watering: Water well after planting, then give deep weekly watering during growth and flowering. Once foliage starts dying down, stop watering.
After Flowering Care: Cut off spent flowers and fertilise, deep watered until leaves turn yellow. Allow foliage to die down naturally. Bulbs may be left undisturbed for years. If you are lifting bulbs, do so as soon as the foliage dies down and store the clean bulbs in a cool, dry, airy place.
Trouble Shooting: No specific problems